
Every year for my job I help to run a booth at the Spokane County Fair. It’s a big event for us and me and one other employee share the duty of leading the booth full of volunteers, splitting the days and nights. Needless to say it makes for 10 very, very long days.

It was during said fair that my 12 week Physique fitness challenge started. So as I did my very best to bring a lunch bag full of fruits, veggies and things that weren’t fair food as I started my challenge. However people kept offering me fair food, to which I would respond “Thank you but I’m on a diet”

Somewhere around the 5th or 6th time I had to say this to someone I thought “Man diet is such and ugly word”

We say the word diet like it’s such a bad thing. Sorry I can’t have that thing your having that looks so good and is making you so clearly happy but I’m on a diet which means I have to eat these carrots and look longingly at your elephant ear. Diet. It’s SO negative. The whole concept is negative. When I think of the word diet I think of people depriving them self from the thing they really want to eat in the name of losing a few pounds.

And you know what you do when you stop being on a diet (I know because I’ve done it) you eat ALL THE THINGS YOU WANTED WHILE YOU WERE ON SAID DIET AND BOOM WEIGHT COMES BACK.

I’ve decided that such a negative and ugly word, neigh philosophy, does not belong in the Year of Jenna. Attention world.

No – I am not on a diet. I am on a fitness journey that ends with me be happy and healthy. 

So thank you for offering to share you candy bar with me but I’m currently eating healthy.